What’s up for the Future of Remote or Hybrid Work
– Social Connections, Wellness and Engagement?
Come join the virtual conversation
June 20, 2024 | Noon – 1:15 pm PDT
We invite you to a virtual conversation to continue the discussion on the evolving nature of workplaces and transforming the state of work in the public sector focusing on in-person, remote or hybrid work environments. Engage in a dialogue, ask questions, and learn from others. This is part two of a two-part series.
Within remote and hybrid workspaces, organizations will need to focus on innovative and supportive ways to undertake supervision, coaching, relationship connections and supporting healthy work strategies in a more purposeful way. Effective networking and collaboration occur in different contexts that enable workers to connect in-person as teams and time to work individually. Skills training and development may occur differently in hybrid work models, and this is a key issue for worker satisfaction, health and wellness, employee retention, succession opportunities, and career planning. The following questions will be explored in this session.
What does this mean for the design and sustainability of hybrid work environments?
Do hybrid workplaces benefit workers disproportionately or create more benefits for employers than employees?
How are key work elements of mentorship, wellness, social connections, and relationship development achieved within remote and hybrid work environments?
Featured Speakers
Karista Olson
Senior Advisor, Community and Social Innovation Branch, Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Gitxsan and Dakelh First Nations from the community of Sik-e-dakh
Eva Lewis
Program Coordinator, Arts and Communication, Co-op Simon Fraser University
Noreen Kassam
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Financial Officer, City of Burnaby
Katrina Kelly (she/her) M.P.P.
Junior Policy Analyst, Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness
Lisa Nye
CEO, Pinpoint Consulting Inc. IPAC Vancouver Board Member
Registration is limited, register here. Free for IPAC members and students, $15 for non-members.