It is easy for the media and critics to identify government ‘policy failures’, but what about instances of ‘policy success’, those policies and programs which we tend to take for granted and are part of our governance fabric?
Oxford University Press recently published Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges, accessible accounts of 22 cases of ‘policy success’, mainly at the national level (available here in Open Access). This is part of an international initiative led by Professor Paul ‘t Hart of the University of Utrecht[i] and several colleagues interested in rebalancing discussions on the state of governance, which inevitably focus on ‘failure’, to also consider instances of policy success.
The webinar will engage four leading public-policy practitioners and observers in a dialogue on their examples of policy success at the local, regional, provincial or national level. They include:
Lisa Helps, former Mayor, City of Victoria
George Abbott, former BC MLA and Minister, and Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Political Science, University of Victoria
Michael Prince, Lansdowne Chair of Social Policy, University of Victoria, and Board Chair, Community Living BC
Kim Speers, Chair, IPAC Victoria & Grad Advisor, UVic School of Public Administration
They will also explore whether we should be discussing success more regularly but also the extent to which defining and celebrating ‘success’ is problematic.
UVic Professor Evert Lindquist (Public Administration) and co-editor of Policy Success in Canada will facilitate the dialogue with panelists after briefly introducing the policy-success framework and some examples (e.g. parks, wine, local airport authorities) from the collection. After the roundtable session with the panelists, we will open it up to questions from the audience!