Have you ever thought about making an impact in your community, province or across Canada?
Join UVIC and Equal Voice February 25th for this interactive session and gain the skills, knowledge and resources to run for political office in Canada.
Develop your own mock campaign, participate in roundtable discussions and learn how to:
Identify your motivations to run
Raise your profile and navigating the world of media with confidence
Mobilize a team
Finance, fundraise and more!
Learn from some phenomenal leaders shaping change in politics. They will share their experience, answer all your questions and provide you with valuable feedback on your mock campaign as you bring together what you learned throughout the day.
Meet Rachael Segal, who will be facilitating the campaign school. Rachael is a former issues and policy advisor to senior members of the Canadian Federal Cabinet and the Canadian Senate. She has extensive experience on political campaigns at all levels of government in Ontario and British Columbia. She also has a wealth of legal experience in Criminal Law and Civil Litigation and has offered her insight as a panelist on CBC’s Power & Politics.
Councillor Alison MacKenzie promised herself that once she was elected, she would work to remove barriers for other women to also run and hold office. Come hear highlights from her story and get her thoughts on what it takes to run a successful campaign.
With over a decade of political experience, including managing campaigns at all levels of government Allie Blades has a lot to share with campaign school participants.
Event details:
Date: Sunday February 25, 2024
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Lunch will be provided)
Location: UVic campus and Zoom if required
Fee: $50. If you are in need of financial assistance in order to participate in the campaign school, please email Maggie at Equal Voice.
Some self-study reading will be required in advance.
As the course content promotes sustainable development and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the course is CIFAL-accredited and participants will receive a certificate to recognize their completion. Attending a CIFAL-certified training ensures access to high-quality, UN-affiliated education that equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to address global challenges and contribute to sustainable development.
Eligibility: Open to students and community members. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and have an interest in politics. Preference will be given to members of equity-seeking groups.
To register, submit an application form by February 12
Space is limited.